Redbull is accepting submission for the 3Style DJ Competition. This is my entry. I've made the audio available for download for my friends who would like to listen again and again.
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Submission video for 2017 Redbull 3Style DJ Competition
Who will be the #selectordjbattle champ next Wednesday?🤔?🤔 Who's going to collect this hardware and cash prize?🤔?🤔 tomorrow is the last day to register to battle. Tell your favorite djs!!
Before I talk about Forest City, let me say I've known this guy Wes Woods aka WSWDS on twitter and IG for a long time. We've worked together on more events than I can remember. Wes has always been a guy who could see the big picture. So when he gave me a call about Forest City I knew without a doubt that it was something I wanted to be apart of.
"Forest City was created to be a destination, and a mindset. A place where you can find quality music, links to great events, clothing and above all; be yourself."
Learn more at ForestCityltd.Com
I'm excited to see what the future has in store for Forest City. The group of people that make up the core of Forest City are all talented, motivated, skilled individuals. We dedicated our lives to our various crafts and now we come together like voltron on these fools lol jk but frfr....